192.168 55.254 IP Address: About, How to Login, and More

Catherine Lowe
By Catherine Lowe
Sep 06, 20246 min read

Did you get a new router installed at home with a 192.168 55.254 IP address? This IP address is very helpful in changing the network connection and looking after the security cracks. Curious to know more about its usage? 

Read our detailed blog; here we’ll explain all about an IP address, its usage, how to configure your router settings, and steps to change the router name and password. 

Let’s jump into it! 

About IP address 192.168 55.254

192.168 55.254 is a private IP address that is directly related to your WI-FI network. This series of numbers allows routers to access a particular network and to send the internet connection privately to all the connected devices.  

IP addresses like 192.168 L 254.254 and 192.168 55.254 are used globally for home WI-FI and broadband service. As it is a private IP, its access is limited to a few people at the local level. 

This is one of the most widely used and popular IP addresses, here’s why: 

  • It does not interfere with public IP addresses and is used in homes for sound and stable connection. 
  • 192.168 55 administrator panel is easier to access and remember. 
  • Internet companies use this series of numbers as the default IP of most routers. 

Now that you’re introduced to 192.168 55 IP, let’s go ahead and learn how to log in to the administrator portal in the following section. 

How to Login to 192.168 55.254 IP Address?

The IP address reserved for private and local use has an administrator panel that users can access. The panel has an account dashboard that lets you take steps to strengthen security, change account credentials, and much more. First, know the correct series of numbers for your IP, then follow the steps to log in: 

  • Type the IP address in the search bar of the browser and search. 
  • On this page, enter the name and password associated with your router. Get the credentials by calling your ISP or checking the router booklet. 
  • Tap on login, and you’ll be redirected to the administrator panel. 

This is where you can manage your connections properly and change the settings anytime you want. Moving ahead, let’s see how you can change your username and password to 192.168 55.254. 

How to Change the Name and Password of Your Wi-Fi Network?

For those who are new to this, it might seem to be difficult but truly it’s not. If you suspect any third person is utilizing your Wi-Fi network, change the credentials and make your security stronger. 

Here we have laid down the steps to change the name and password of your network: 

  • First, know your SSID and enter the network
  • In the panel, search and go to the settings menu. 
  • Scroll down and select the Wireless settings option. 
  • Write your desired SSID name in the given field. 
  • Recheck the entered data and save the changes
  • Now, move to the password section and enter a new password in the given field. 
  • Save the changes

Once you have done this, reconnect the network to your devices. You can now change the credentials anytime you want to secure your network. 

How to Configure Your Router By 192.168 55.254 IP Address?

You can change the settings of your router through the admin panel. It’s easier than you think. Just follow the steps we have written below for the same process: 

  • First, go to the admin panel on your device. 
  • Scroll through the options and select the Settings menu. 
  • Choose the network name and password
  • On this new page, enter your credentials given by ISP. 
  • After this, you’ll be redirected to a new page. 
  • Here you can access the number of networks connected, the range of connections, the security level, and change the settings. 
  • Just keep on saving the changes. 

That’s it; this is how you can configure the router of 192.168 55.254 IP. 

How to Change the Local IP Address? 

Every router has two IP addresses: private IP and communal IP. The Private IP like 192.168 55.254 is directly connected to your Wi-Fi and gives complete control over the admin page. Communal IP, on the other hand, alters as its public IP and lets you transmit the requested data. 

You can interchange between your IPs anytime, depending on your network needs. Here are the steps to follow for the same: 

  • First, go to the admin panel on your device. 
  • Explore the dashboard and go to the Setting section. 
  • Here, scroll down and select Network Settings, then Router Settings. 
  • Write a new IP address in the given section. Ask your ISP for the correct series of numbers for the address and paste it. 
  • Lastly, save the changes

After completing the steps given above, restart your router, and it will show a new IP. Then connect the internet to your devices. 

Why is the 192.168 55.254 IP address Not Working? 

192.168 55.254 IP address

If you cannot access the 192.168 55.254 IP address admin panel, do not worry, as it’s quite a common issue. Users can easily fix the problem within a few minutes. You can refer to the tips and fixes we have given below: 

  • Check if the internet connection is stable. 
  • See if the router and computer are linked properly, with no LAN cable and port defects. 
  • Verify the IP address and make sure to enter the accurate data. 
  • Restart the router and search again to access the admin portal. 

These small yet powerful fixes will resolve the issue within minutes. If by any chance the problem persists, contact your ISP and get technical help. 

So this was all about 192.168 55.254 IP address, steps to log in, change credentials, and configure the router. We hope this blog has provided all the necessary information and will help you access the admin panel easily. Share the info with your friends and family and make them aware. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find your IP address?

Go to the Wi-Fi network section on your connected device. Scroll down on the page, and you’ll see the IP address.

What is the relation between VPN to IP address?

The VPN services create a safe tunnel and shield the computer’s IP address by giving a secure surfing environment.

Can you change the default IP address of the router?

You can go to the settings in the admin panel, write another IP address of the router, and save the changes.

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