Convert IPv4 to IPv6 Address

Convert IPv4 to IPv6 Address

Seamlessly convert your IPv4 to IPv6. Simply just enter your IP address in IPv4 format and instantly convert it into IPv6.

About Our Tool

Experience the benefits of IPv6 with your pre-existing IPv4 address with just one click.

What is IPv4?

IPv4 acronym for Internet Version Protocol 4 which is a widely used system that identifies devices on a network. This address assists in data transfer from one device to another over the internet.

What is IPv6?

The most common version, IPv4 is soon going to be replaced by IPv6. Due to so many devices being used, IPv4 addresses are running out.

Difference Between IPv4 and IPv6


  • IPv4 was first used in 1983 and utilizes a 32-bit address scheme that uses numeric values.
  • IPv4 supports have checksum fields and supports broadcasts.
  • Dot (.) is placed to separate IPv4 binary, for example 1.9.820.999.
  • IPv4 allows twelve headers and supports about 4.29 billion addresses.


  • IPv6 utilizes a 128-bit scheme and was first used in December 1998 that uses alphanumeric values.
  • IPv6 doesn’t have checksum fields, and it supports multicast routing.
  • Colon (:) is placed to separate IPv6, for example 2002:1111:2A:444:09CO
  • IPv6 allows eight header fields and supports 340, 282, 366 920 unique addresses.

Benefits of IPv6 Over IPv4

Some major benefits of upgrading to IPv6 are:

  • Reliable for multicast routing
  • Auto-configuration
  • Built-in Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Simplified and more flexible routing
  • Built-in network security layer (IPsec)
  • No more address collision
  • The maximum transaction is 1280 bytes, which was 576 in IPv4

Is IPv6 Faster Compared to the Predecessor?

Yes, IPv6 is faster compared to IPv4 because it doesn’t contain NAT and offers faster routing with packet processing, making it the better choice.

However, we are yet to witness the full potential as IPv6 networks will get optimized and developed in the near future.

Can Both IPv6 and IPv4 Coexist?

Currently, 95% of internet traffic has an IPv4 network and there is a backward compatibility issue with the IPv6 network. Both networks can coexist with dual-stack techniques where your hardware runs both networks. Another method is tunnel which requires encapsulating IPv4 packages with IPv6.

How to Map IPv4 Address to IPv6?

  • Open the IPv4 to IPv6 converter.
  • Enter your IPv4 address which looks like
  • Then Click on ‘Convert’ the tools will process and provide you with an IPv6 address.
  • The tool provides you with the following results.
    • IPV6 Compressed: ::ffff:7fff:ffff
    • IPV6 Expanded (Shortened): 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7fff:ffff
    • IPV6 Expanded: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:7fff:ffff