Privacy Policy

Jul 31, 2024

Welcome to the Networksunit Privacy Policy page!

This page talks about how we use the personal information the users provide us, such as name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, and other data. According to the changes in the legal environment, technology, and operations, we might change our policy, but our readers will be the first to get notified when that happens.

How do we Gather Information?

Firstly, we gather our user’s information through different methods, such as through the website sign-up or registration process, by providing support to our registered users, and through payment to third-party payment processors.

In addition, we gather other data, such as the public IPv6 address, the public IPv4 address, the local IP address, the location, and the Internet Service Provider’s identity.

Apart from our website, the affiliates, partners, agents, and subsidiaries that work with us also have access to the user information, but they are not allowed to use that information for other purposes except for business.

Although we start collecting your information as soon as you land on our page, we don’t gather personal data, as it is only possible with a sign-up or registration process.

The sole reason we gather your information is to ensure that you get a smooth experience while visiting our website and its services, such as IP detection services, IP lookup services, IP conversion services, and others.

The information we gather from you is used to customize your user experience, offer quick responses to your queries and comments, and improve the overall website experience.

We hold all the rights to perform statistical analysis on the data gathered and learn about user behavior, characteristics, and preferences to improve the website. We also use such data to inform our advertising partners about their ad performance and other insights. We follow standard precautions and measures to protect your privacy and data.

However, if you voluntarily disclose your personal information on our website, third parties will have unauthorized access to that information, and that would be beyond our control.

Users Must Be of the Age

To access the content on the Networksunit, the users must be the age of majority, i.e., 18 years old, and the users under that age must seek their guardian’s help to share information on our website.

Use of Personal Information

We may use your personal information, like your email address, to send you news or updates about the websites, or events, or to receive an answer from you regarding some queries. However, if you wish to stop receiving such news and notifications, you can opt out of the marketing options by contacting us.

If you purchase any product or service from our website, your credit card information and other financial information will be subject to the privacy policy of the third-party payment processors.

Use of Cookies and Web Beacons

We automatically collect the user’s non-personal information through the standard operation of our website’s internet servers, or ‘cookies’. Cookies are small text files that a website uses to recognize the users, and their patterns, facilitate the user’s access to the site, track usage behavior, compile data, and allow content improvements and targeted advertising.

However, we would like to remind users that it is beyond our control to manage the use of cookies or the outcomes of advertisers’ hosting data.

If you do not want cookies to collect your personal information, you can simply use the option to deny the cookies that is available in most browsers.

We also use third-party advertisements, which leverage beacons and cookies, and send the advertisers your personal information, such as your IP address, your ISP, your browser settings, and others.

Although this is used for geo-setting purposes and showing customized ads to users, you can easily opt-out whenever you want. However, you must remember that disabling may affect the way you interact with websites or even your ability to log in to programs, websites, etc.

Log Files

Log files contain the data we gather or use, i.e., a storage of customer information. However, as this information is considered a business asset, it is treated similarly to those assets.

Release of Information When Required

We will only disclose our user’s information when compelled to do so by the law or government or when we find that it is necessary to release the information to protect ourselves and our partners from fraud or data breaches.

Our website hosts external links to other websites, where this policy doesn’t apply. We don’t manage such sites, and can’t be held liable for the disclosure of information on those websites or the use of substantive information on such websites. Thus, before sharing your information on the linked websites, you must check out their privacy policy.

You can give your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information orally, electronically, by submitting an approval form, or through a legal representative.

By providing us with the personal information, we assume that you provide your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of information for the purposes mentioned in this agreement.

You can withdraw your consent whenever you desire, but you must remember that doing so will restrict some of the services we offer.

Your Data Protection Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Individual residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) have the following rights as per GDPR:

  • You can access, correct, update, or request the deletion of your personal information whenever you desire.
  • You can object to the processing of your personal information, restrict it, and even request for portability.
  • You can opt out of marketing communications at any time.
  • You can withdraw your consent to use, collect, or disclose personal information.
  • You can complain to data protection authority over the use of data and management.

Your Rights under the CCPA

As per our privacy policy and the CCPA, you have the following rights:

  • You must notice which categories of personal data are being collected and what are they being used for.
  • The CCPA allows you to request information regarding the disclosure of your data collected in the past 12 months.
  • You have the right to ask the company not to sell your information.

If you are a California resident, you can contact us regarding your data collection issues, and the company will disclose and deliver the required information free of charge within 45 days of receiving your request. However, the duration might be extended when necessary.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Although we do not sell users’ personal information, our partners may be using the technology that sells visitors’ information. Thus, if you wish to opt out of it, you can change your browser settings and click on ‘Do not sell my information.’

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions, you can contact us at the email address listed at the footer of the website. Any future privacy dispute you face must be subject to any applicable terms and conditions of use of the website and the privacy policy.