Terms and Conditions of Use

Jul 31, 2024

Welcome to the Networksunit’s Terms and Conditions of Use!

Networksunit holds the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, and every time you visit our site, you will be subjected to the current terms and conditions as mentioned on the site.

General Terms of Use

By accessing NetworksUnit.com, you agree with the terms and conditions of use and the applicable laws, and you are solely responsible for following any local applicable laws. In cases of disagreement, the user’s actions, promises, warranties, statements, and guarantees will not be considered. US laws will govern any claim by the users on Networksunit.

The material and content offered on Networksunit are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws. Thus, no user or visitor can use our site’s information for commercial or public use without a prior agreement with the website.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

While navigating our website, you may find links and pointers to sites maintained by third parties or through third-party advertisements. However, these links do not represent an endorsement or sponsorship of such sites or the information or services offered on other websites.

We or any affiliates do not control or operate any information regarding the products or services provided by third-party websites on our site or through any such websites. As we work in affiliation with third-party companies for IP address detection, we can’t be held responsible for the accuracy and reliability of such tools or the loss or damages caused to users by the interaction with such tools.

Networksunit is for informative purposes only, and you can’t use it for any commercial, trading, or investing purposes.

The products, services, and information provided on our website are provided as they are without any kind of implied warranty. We disclaim any warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, as permitted by the applicable law. 

We don’t guarantee that the site or any of its tools or functions will be accurate, uninterrupted, or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the services or content available on our website will be free of viruses and other harmful components. 

There are no representations or warranties that the use of the site or the result of using the information on the website or by third parties in terms of correctness, accuracy, timeliness, or reliability.

While making a purchase from the merchant on the site or a site linked to the website, you agree to provide banking information to us and those merchants. Those merchants might have different data and privacy policies, and we are not liable for those policies.

While making purchases, you must agree that you will not use the site for illegal purposes. In case you incur damage by using our products or services, you agree to not assert any claim against us or our affiliates.

This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of records.

Limited Licence

We grant a limited license, allowing the users to view, print, or download any content on Networksunit for non-commercial, personal, or educational purposes. Moreover, you can’t commercially exploit our content on another website in partnership with someone else without our site’s permission. The limited license doesn’t grant any copyright, trademark, trade name, or other proprietary rights to visitors, affiliates, or partners. 

Intellectual Property Rights

Website content, such as multimedia materials, trademarks, names, logos, and service marks, is protected by copyrights, which are owned and controlled by Networksunit.com and the parties licensing material to us. Thus, it cannot be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed without any prior permission. Moreover, modifying the material and using it for other purposes is a violation of the copyrights and other proprietary rights, and the use of those materials on other websites or FTP servers is strictly prohibited.

Changes and Improvements

Networksunit can make changes, improvements, and alterations to the product, services, and content offered on the website, along with changing the terms and conditions of use, without any liability.


To ensure the website meets the user’s demands while keeping them away from malicious information and the possibility of rights violations, there are some codes of conduct that the visitors must comply with:

  • Using the website to impersonate or misrepresent the affiliation with any person or entity.
  • Interfering with the website’s networks or servers or violating any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of the networks.
  • Using the website to instigate someone to commit illegal activities,  cause any data breach or property damage, or interfere with business interests.
  • Getting unauthorized access to the site or the contents offered on it by illicit means, using it for defamation, and committing criminal offenses.
  • Using the website to spread information that contains a virus and violates or infringes upon the rights of others, like invasion of privacy or publicity rights, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, or other proprietary rights.
  • Using the website’s content for commercial purposes or advertising without any prior permission.

We do not guarantee any of the information posted on our website or by any of our affiliates. We, our service providers, affiliates, associates, subsidiaries, or partners shall not be held liable to anyone for loss or damage.

If you are found guilty of any breach or causing damage to Networksunit, you must compensate our website and its officers, directors, employees, agents, distributors, and affiliates.

We hold all the right to disclose our user’s information if they are found violating the Terms and Conditions of Use or as per the government’s orders. We can also deny visitors the right to access our website or even suspend a user’s account without any explanation.

Jurisdictional Issues

Networksunit is accessible not only to the jurisdictions where it does business due to the internet; the products and services offered on or advertised on the website may not be eligible for provision, solicitation, or display in your jurisdiction.

This site is accessible to people residing in jurisdictions where such products and services are legal. Although our website offers services across the globe, it doesn’t indicate that we intend to offer such services or programs in all countries or locations.

This agreement will be governed by the laws of the US in case of a dispute due to a violation of the Terms of Use. If any provisions in the agreement become invalid, it doesn’t imply that the other improvisations have also lost validity.


We can cancel your right to access our website without any prior notice. If terminated, you can no longer access the website affected by the termination. However, the restrictions placed on you about the content you can download from our website, the liability disclaimers, and the limitations will remain in effect.